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Zaragoza, the capital of Aragon, is a city of ancient origins, it was in fact founded by the Romans with the name of Caesaraugusta, conquered by the Arabs in the 8th century, at the beginning of the 12th century it was liberated by Christian troops, and became the capital of ‘Aragon.
Zaragoza is famous for its art and architecture, its folklore and its cuisine. The most important historical buildings are the Basílica del Pilar, one of the most famous sanctuaries in Spain, La Seo (cathedral) and the Aljafería Palace (Palacio de la Aljafería).
The city of Sargoza has some buildings that UNESCO has registered as a world heritage site among the Mudéjar Architecture sites of Aragon, in fact among these are the Cathedral (La Seo), the Aljafería Palace, and the church of San Pablo all in the city of Zaragoza.
The Zaragoza Christmas Market (Mercado de Comercio y Artesanía de Navidad) takes place in the Plaza del Pilar in front of the wonderful basilica of the city (Catedral-Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar), the market consists of over 40 wooden chalets where you can buy figurines for the crib, handicraft items, Christmas decorations, food products and sweets. A large and spectacular nativity scene of almost 2,500 square meters is also set up in front of the facade of the Basílica del Pilar. There are numerous activities for children, parades, music, fairy tales and games are offered.
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