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On a trip one of the most important things is the right choice of shoes. I usually wear a pair of light travel shoes, classic sneakers, and a pair of hiking boots.
I usually wear light shoes for most of the trip. While trekking boots I use them in case of trekking or on rough terrain. Hiking boots however occupy a good part of my travel bag and are sometimes used for a few hours a day.
So I decided to try to carry a single pair of shoes in order to save space and weight in my luggage. After the last trip (along the Karakorum Highway) I promised myself to look for a light and comfortable shoe that could be used both for trekking and for urban walks. I was looking for a comfortable and breathable shoe, light but at the same time robust and also suitable for rough terrain.
After various online research I decided to buy a shoe from an Italian niche company, AKU. This company produces well-made shoes suitable for hiking, mountaineering, trekking and hiking and multiterrain.
My choice fell on the Climatica NBK GTX model, which is part of the multiterrain line. A light and versatile shoe ideal for all climates and seasons. The shoes are waterproof, but they also guarantee high breathability thanks to Gorotex Surround an innovative technology that makes the shoes waterproof but at the same time allows heat and humidity to escape from the shoe.

I order the shoes directly on the manufacturer’s website taking advantage of the 10% discount that you get after registering for the newsletter. Shipping costs are free and delivery will be made by SDA courier in 4-5 working days. But the delivery service is much faster. I order shoes on Friday afternoon and they arrive on the morning of the following Tuesday, therefore less than two working days.

I start using shoes to test them. At first glance they are robust, but light. The foot adapts well to the shoe and the sole is very robust. Even on rough terrain do not feel the stones and rocks. From the first hours of use, the shoe adapts well to the foot. Basically a great product that solved my initial problem. The shoes are waterproof and very comfortable. Since the purchase I have used them in my last trips as in the one done in the Puna.
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