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Traveling often in many of us rhymes with photography. We photograph both for visual memories and for passion. Some are content to take pictures with a cell phone. But many others have much more expensive and heavier equipment, such as reflex cameras with various lenses. Carrying such heavy and stuffy items is often a problem that is not easy to solve. It would take a roomy, durable, yet lightweight travel photo backpack.
The search for the right photographic backpack is something that I have tried in recent years. I bought some of them, but they are often heavy and bulky items. In these backpacks you can put all the accessories you want. But when you have to walk kilometers with 10 or more kg on your shoulders and your empty backpack weighs over 3 kg …. it becomes hard …
I made a selection of the absolutely necessary photographic objects to take with me on a travel. After various experiences I was also able to find the backpack that today I consider an excellent compromise in practicality, weight, size and space available.

I was looking for a very light but safe backpack that would allow me to comfortably carry my full frame SLR, equipped with a 70-300 mm telephoto lens and a 16-35 mm wide angle lens. The backpack then had to contain a battery charger, a set of various batteries in addition to the GoPro and related spare batteries. Finally, there had to be room for a water bottle and a light jacket.
After much searching on the internet I came to the conclusion that the optimal backpack would have been the Lowepro BP 250 AW. This is a light backpack but with space specially dedicated to photographic equipment. With internal opening and with enough space for my photographic equipment and accessories that I wanted to bring with me. I have already used this backpack on several trips. As in the Atacama Desert, in Lebanon, along the Karakorum Highway, and in the Puna. In these trips it has already become an inseparable accessory and very comfortable to use.

The backpack, as I asked, can easily contain a full frame SLR (Canon 6D Mark II), equipped with a 70-300 mm telephoto lens and a 16-35 mm wide angle lens. All this enters the comfortable and safe internal pocket that can be opened only once we have removed the backpack, therefore theft-proof during your walks.

Accessories such as spare batteries, GoPro, memory cards, a light jacket, some snacks etc. they are placed in the upper pocket, while in another narrower compartment you can insert a notebook or a tablet. On the two sides of the backpack there are two mesh compartments that are excellent for a canteen or a bottle of water. Under the backpack a pocket houses the water-repellent cover to be used in case of rain.
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