
The climate of Sulawesi: when to go to Sulawesi

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The climate of the island of Sulawesi (Celebes) is tropical humid to the south and equatorial humid to the north, the island in fact, in its northern part, is crossed by the Equator. The temperatures are constant throughout the island and are maintained throughout the year between 30°C/32°C and 23°C/24°C.

The northern area of Sulawesi, where there is also the city of Manado has an equatorial climate with no real dry season, the rainy season is between November and June and between July and October rains decrease. In this area fall less than 3200 mm of rain per year. Here the temperatures are stable throughout the year, the average maximum temperatures vary between 35°C and 31°C, while the average minimum temperatures vary between 20°C and 24°C.

The southern part of Sulawesi is characterized by a humid tropical climate with constant temperatures and two distinct seasons differentiated by the amount of rain. The monsoon rains fall between November and April, while from May to October there is the dry season, in Makassar fall a little more than 3000 mm of rain per year. Temperatures are uniformly high throughout the year, with little variation, the values ​​of average maximum temperatures vary between 35°C and 31°C, while the average minimum temperatures vary between 20°C and 24°C.

The sea water temperature is stable between 26°C and 29°C throughout the year.


The best time to visit the southern part of the island of Sulawesi are the driest months between June and October. In the northern part of the island the less rainy season is reduced to the months between July and October.





MAKASSAR (15 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 23,2 30,7 734  27
February 22,7 31,0 533  26
March 23,3 31,3 391  23
April 23,6 32,0 235  20
May 23,4 32,1 127  17
June 22,9 32,5 66  8
July 21,7 32,4 48  4
August 20,1 34,3 15  2
September 21,2 34,8 83  4
October 21,7 34,6 83  7
November 22,7 33,5 273  24
December 23,0 31,3 549  25
YEAR 22,4 32,6 3086  187


MANADO (5 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 21,8 29,2 465  21
February 21,7 29,2 358  19
March 21,9 29,6 305  17
April 21,9 30,6 198  16
May 22,1 31,0 160  18
June 21,3 31,1 163  16
July 21,2 31,0 119  14
August 21,2 31,6 97  12
September 21,0 32,0 86  12
October 21,3 31,7 122  13
November 21,7 30,6 218  18
December 21,8 29,7 371  21
YEAR 21,6 30,6 2662  197


Month Sea Water Temperature °C
January 29
February 29
March 29
April 29
May 28
June 28
July 27
August 26
September 27
October 28
November 29
December 29


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