Meybod: a city at the gates of the Iranian desert

Narin Qal'eh fortress, Meybod, Iran. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini ,.

In the province of Yazd and about 50 km north-west of Yazd itself, almost in the center of Iran where the two most important deserts of the country meet – the Dasht-e Kavir and the Dasht-e Lut, about 1,000 meters ...

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Rayen: a fortified town at the gates of the desert

Remains of buildings, Rayen, Iran. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini.

In the province of Kerman are some of the most beautiful fortified towns in Iran. These suggestive outposts at the gates of the Dasht-e Lut desert were merchant centers located along important commercial routes, where precious goods and quality fabrics ...

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Naqsh-e Rajab: four bas-reliefs from the Sassanid era

Naqsh-e Rajab, Iran. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Naqsh-e Rajab is a small suggestive archaeological site located a few kilometers north of the spectacular imperial city of Persepolis and less than a kilometer south of the site of Naqsh-e Rostam, where the tombs carved into the rock of ...

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Glassware and Ceramic Museum of Iran in Tehran

Glass objects, Glassware and Ceramic Museum of Iran, Tehran, Iran. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

In the vicinity of the Archaeological Museum of Tehran (National Museum of Iran) there is a small museum dedicated to glass and ceramics: the Glassware and Ceramic Museum of Iran (also known as the Abgineh Museum). It is an interesting ...

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The Carpet Museum of Iran in Tehran

Detail of a carpet, Carpet Museum of Iran, Tehran, Iran. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

The art of carpet weaving is undoubtedly one of the best known works of Iranian craftsmanship and art. This type of art has been practiced in Iran since the Bronze Age. In fact, according to the most recent studies, the ...

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Kashan: Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse

Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse, Kashan, Iran. Autore e Copyright Marco Ramerini.

In Muslim ritual “hammam” (term that derives from the Arabic language) is the thermal complex in which Muslims perform the two washes of Islamic rituals. The “ghusl”, or full ablution, and the “wudu ‘”, or partial ablution. Both of these ...

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Pasargadae: the first capital of the Persian empire

Tomb of Cyrus the Great, Pasargadae, Iran. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

The city of Pasargadae is located in the current province of Fars in southwestern Iran, about 80 km north-east of Persepolis and about 130 km north-east of Shiraz. Founded by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC Pasargadae became ...

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Sighnaghi and the Bodbe Convent in Georgia

Bodbe Convent, Sighnaghi, Georgia. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

In the eastern end of Georgia near the border with Azerbaijan lies the beautiful town of Sighnaghi. The city lies on a hill about 800 meters above sea level in the center of the Kakheti wine area. From the town ...

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Alaverdi Cathedral: Georgia’s spiritual center

Alaverdi Cathedral, Georgia. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

In the eastern region of Georgia known as Kakheti there is a splendid ancient Orthodox cathedral: the Alaverdi Cathedral. This beautiful stone structure rises along the valley of the Alazani river, along the northern bank of one of its tributaries, ...

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Tusheti, Georgia: tower houses, mountains and gorges

Tusheti, Georgia. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

The Tusheti is a mountainous region of northeastern Georgia. This area of Georgia is among the most isolated in the country. Located in the mountains of the Greater Caucasus, the Tusheti borders the Russian republics of Chechnya (in the north) ...

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Fethiye climate: when to go to Fethiye

The climate of Fethiye is the classic Mediterranean climate, with short mild and rainy winters and long hot and dry summers. The rainiest months are between November and February, while the driest months are between May and September. The amount ...

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Fethiye: a splendid bay dotted with islands

Fethiye (45,000 inhabitants) is one of the most popular tourist resorts on the southern Turkish coast. Located in a beautiful bay dotted with islands, it is located in the Mugla province 140 km east of Marmaris, the ancient name of ...

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Alanya climate: when to go to Alanya

The Alanya climate is the typical Mediterranean climate, characterized by long hot and dry summers and short mild and rainy winters. Most of the rain falls between the end of autumn and winter. The average temperatures are mild, in fact ...

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Alanya: seaside resort between fortifications and beaches

Alanya is one of the most popular tourist resorts on the southern Turkish coast. Located in the Gulf of Antalya in a beautiful location. Surrounded by the Tauern Mountains, which exceed 2.500 meters here. The city is located 135 km ...

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Antalya climate: when to go to Antalya

As for the climate of Antalya, summers are muggy and dry, while the other months are hot and sometimes rainy. On average it does not rain for 310 days in a year, the rainiest months are those between December and ...

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