Climate of the Falkland Islands: when to go to the Falkland

The climate of the Falkland Islands is temperate-cold oceanic, greatly influenced by the cold Antarctic currents. The Falkland Islands are just over 1,200 km north of Antarctica, so the islands also suffer from their south latitude, between 51 ° S ...

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Falkland Islands: migratory birds, whales and penguins

The Falkland Islands (Falkland Islands or Islas Malvinas in Spanish) are located in the southern Atlantic Ocean 450 km east of the south-eastern Argentine coast and north-east of Tierra del Fuego. The Falkland archipelago, a British overseas territory, is formed ...

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The climate of Suriname: when to go to Suriname

The climate of Suriname is equatorial, temperatures are warm and stable all year round and humidity is high, average maximum temperatures are around 29 ° C / 33 ° C and average minimum temperatures are 22 ° C / 23 ...

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Suriname: numerous ethnic groups and rainforest

Suriname (Republiek van Suriname/Republic of Suriname) is a republic located just north of the equator in the north-eastern part of South America. It is washed to the north by the Atlantic Ocean and it borders to the west with Guyana, ...

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The climate of Uruguay: when to go to Uruguay

The climate in Uruguay is temperate oceanic type, with average maximum and minimum temperatures in June, respectively of 15 ° C and 7 ° C,  and in January, respectively of 28 ° C and 18 ° C. The rains are well distributed throughout the year, ...

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Uruguay: Gauchos, seaside resorts and beaches

Uruguay (República Oriental del Uruguay/Eastern Republic of Uruguay) is a presidential republic located in the central southern part of South America, bordered to the north and north-east by Brazil, to the west by Argentina and faces to the south the ...

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The climate of Peru: when to go to Peru

Machu Picchu, Perú. Author and Copyright Nello and Nadia Lubrina

The climate of Peru due to its considerable extension from north to south and to the difference in height between the various areas of the country is very varied. The climate of the country is greatly influenced by the presence ...

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Peru: Inca culture and Andean landscapes

Inca fortress of Sacsayhuaman, Cuzco, Perú. Author and Copyright Nello and Nadia Lubrina

Peru (República del Perú/Republic of Peru) is a presidential republic located in central western South America. The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean to the west and bordered to the north by Colombia and Ecuador, to the east by ...

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The climate of Ecuador: when to go to Ecuador

Despite being a small country, the climate of Ecuador is very different depending on the various areas of the country. This is mainly caused by the large altitude difference between the various climatic zones of the country. The coast of ...

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Ecuador: Andes, volcanoes and nature

Ecuador (República del Ecuador/Republic of Ecuador) is a presidential republic located on both sides of the equator in the north-west of South America. It is washed by the Pacific to the west, borders to the north with Colombia and to ...

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The climate of Colombia: when to go to Colombia

The climate of Colombia, because of proximity to the equator presents temperatures suffering only slight variations during the year, but they vary greatly depending on the height. THE CLIMATE OF THE CARIBBEAN COAST OF COLOMBIA Along the Caribbean coast in ...

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Colombia: a country with multiple and diverse landscapes

Colombia (República de Colombia/Republic of Colombia) is a presidential republic, located along the equator on the north-west side of South America. It is washed to the west by the Pacific Ocean and to the north by the Caribbean Sea and ...

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The climate of Chile: when to go to Chile

The extension of Chile for over 4,600 km from north to south means that the country is affected by different types of climate. To the north we find the desert and semi-arid climate that characterizes the Atacama desert and the ...

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Chile country of contrasts: deserts, mountains and glaciers

Chile (República de Chile/Republic of Chile) is a presidential republic situated in the south-west of South America. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean to the west, to the north it borders with Peru, to the north-east with Bolivia and ...

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The climate of Brasilia: when to go to Brasilia

Brasilia has a tropical climate of altitude typical of tropical savannas, being more than 1,100 meters above sea level the temperatures are mild and never too hot or too cold, the average annual temperature is 21.2 ° C. The seasons ...

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