Kazakhstan (Kazak Respublikasy) is a presidential republic located in Central Asia, bordered to the east by China, on the south by Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, to the west washed by the Caspian Sea, to the west and north borders on Russia. The capital of the country is Astana. While the main cities are Almaty (Alma-Ata), […]
The climate in Jordan is affected by the proximity to the sea and the continental features, this results in a climate of transition that leads to discrete rainfall on the slopes of the Judea and Samaria, and a largely desert climate, arid and dry, as we go towards east and south. The Mediterranean climate is […]
Jordan (Al-Mamlaka al-Urdunniya al-Hashimiya) is a constitutional monarchy in the Middle East. Officially called Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This state of the Middle East borders Syria to the north, Iraq to the north-east, Saudi Arabia to the south and southeast, and Israel to the west. While towards the southwest it is washed by the Red […]
The climate of Japan: when to go to Japan
The climate of Japan, due to the conformation of the country’s territory, varies considerably both on the basis of latitude and on the position with respect to the seas. In addition, the climate of Japan is also influenced by the presence of the mass of the Asian continent and by altitude. The Japanese archipelago is […]
Japan is a state of north-eastern Asia made up of over 3,000 islands that extend north-south between the Kuril and Sahalin islands in the north and the island of Formosa (Taiwan) in the south. The Japanese archipelago is made up of numerous islands of volcanic origin. Numerous volcanoes are still active and earthquakes are frequent. […]
Israel has a Mediterranean climate along the coast, that becomes increasingly arid inland, becoming a desert climate in the drier areas of the Negev desert and along the coast of the Red Sea. The Mediterranean coast and the north-central area of the country have a warm and dry climate in summer and a cool and […]
Israel: a holy land for many religions
Israel (Medinat Yisra’el) is a parliamentary republic of the Middle East, bordering Lebanon to the north, Syria to the north east, Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the south west. The country to the west is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and in the far south by the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba). The […]
Iraq (Al-Jumhoorīyah al-‘Irāqīyah) is a parliamentary republic in the Middle East with capital Baghdad, the country is bordered to the north by Turkey, on the east by Iran, on the south-east by Kuwait, to the south-west by Saudi Arabia, in the west with Jordan and Syria, and then for a short stretch in the south-east […]

Iran (Jomhuri-ye Eslami-ye Irān) is an Islamic republic of Central Asia with the capital Tehran. The country is bordered by Iraq and Turkey to the west, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan to the north, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the east. Finally, it is bathed in the north by the Caspian Sea, in the south by the […]
A few kilometers from each other, in the center of the island of Java, there are two of the most important Hindu and Buddhist temples of Southeast Asia. The Buddhist temple of Borobudur and the Hindu temple of Prambanan. TEMPLE OF BOROBUDUR The temple of Borobudur is located in the center of the island of […]
The island of Java has an equatorial climate hot and humid, with stable temperatures throughout the year, the temperature changes are small. The rains are more between November and May, the wettest months of all are those of January and February, the dry season begins in June and ends in October. Most of the island […]
The island of Java (132,000 km²) is the most important island of Indonesia, it represents the cultural, economic and political center of the country. In fact, more than 60% of the Indonesian population resides here. There are large cities such as the capital Jakarta (Jakarta), the port of Surabaya, and such as Bandung, Solo (Surakarta), […]
The climate of the island of Lombok is a hot and humid tropical climate, very similar to that of the nearby island of Bali. Temperatures are stable throughout the year. While as regards the rains there are two seasons, a rainy season between November and March and a dry season between April and October. Average […]
The island of Lombok is located in Indonesia, between the islands of Bali and Sumbabwa and is part of the archipelago of the Lesser Sunda islands. The largest city on the island is Mataram, which is located in its western part. Lombok is crossed by two parallel mountain chains, the southern chain is formed by […]
The climate of the island of Sulawesi (Celebes) is tropical humid to the south and equatorial humid to the north, the island in fact, in its northern part, is crossed by the Equator. The temperatures are constant throughout the island and are maintained throughout the year between 30°C/32°C and 23°C/24°C. The northern area of Sulawesi, […]