Saudi Arabia: the country of desert and oil

Saudi Arabia (Al-Mamlaka al-‘Arabiya as-Sa’udiya, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) is a kingdom in the Middle East, which occupies much of the Arabian peninsula. The country is bordered by Jordan and Iraq to the north, Kuwait to the northeast, Qatar and ...

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The climate of Qatar: when to go to Qatar ?

The climate of Qatar is desert-like, arid, hot and dry throughout the year. The country, located along the coast of the Persian Gulf in the Arabian peninsula, has an arid and hot climate especially during the summer (from May to ...

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Qatar: an emirate rich in oil and natural gas

Qatar (Dawlat al-Qatar) is an emirate of the Arabian peninsula, which occupies the entire Qatar peninsula in the Persian Gulf. The country is bordered to the south by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and has as its capital ...

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The climate of the Philippines: when to go to the Philippines

The Philippines islands have a hot and humid tropical climate, tempered by the breath of constant sea breezes. As in much of South-East Asia are a regular monsoon season, the summer monsoon from the south-west and the winter monsoon from ...

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Philippines: volcanoes, forests and tropical beaches

Philippines Islands (Republika ñg Pilipinas, Republic of the Philippines) are an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands located in South-East Asia, north of the equator, between the Pacific Ocean, the South China Sea and the Celebes Sea. The state, a ...

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Pakistan: the Indus valley and its millenary civilization

Pakistan (Islāmi Jamhūrìya-e-Pakistān) is a presidential Islamic republic, with capital Islamabad. The country which is located in south-central Asia is located immediately north of the Tropic of Cancer. It borders China to the north-east to which it is connected by ...

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The climate of Oman: when to go to Oman

The Oman has an arid and warm climate, along the coast is strong is the humidity of summer, which creates a strong feeling of unease. The interior of the country is very dry and arid, the climate is desert with ...

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Oman: forts, natural landscapes and traditions

Oman (Saltanat ‘Omān) is a sultanate located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula with the capital of Muscat (Muscat) which borders with the United Arab Emirates in the north-west, in the west with Saudi Arabia, in the south-west with ...

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North Korea: a country closed in on itself

North Korea (Choson Minchu-Chui Inmin Konghwa-Guk, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) is a communist republic in the Far East, located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. The country, washed to the east by the Sea of Japan and ...

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The climate of Nepal: when to go to Nepal ?

Nepal, despite its small size, has a wide variety of types of climate, due in particular to the huge differences in height between the areas of the country, it goes from 60 meters in the southern areas along the border ...

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Nepal: the land of the high mountains of the Himalayas

Nepal (Nepal Adhirajya) is an Himalayan landlocked kingdom, situated on the southern Himalaya, which borders the north with China, and to the west, east and south with India, the capital is the city of Kathmandu. Despite its small size, Nepal ...

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The climate of Mongolia: when to go to Mongolia

Mongolia has a typical continental climate, dry and rigid with cold and dry winters, and warm and relatively rainy summers, the springs are extremely windy, winds, usually carrying dust particles from the desert. The rainfall is very scarce throughout Mongolia, ...

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Mongolia: plateaus, deserts and mountains

Mongolia (Bügd Najramdah Mongol Ard Uls) is a republic of Central Asia. The country is landlocked and borders with Russia to the north and China to the south. The only major city is the capital Ulan-Bator. The country is formed ...

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The climate of the Maldives: when to go to the Maldives

The Maldives are located near the equator, and thus have a climate with stable temperatures throughout the year, while the seasons are marked by changes in the amount of rain that falls. The climate of the islands is dominated by ...

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Maldives: atolls, fish and coral reefs

The Maldives (Divehi Jumhuriya, Republic of Maldives) are an archipelago of atolls located in the Indian Ocean south-west of the southern tip of India. The archipelago of the Maldives is located only 400 km from the southern tip of India, ...

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