Belize: tropical forests, Mayan ruins and coral reefs

Belize is a constitutional monarchy associated with the British Commonwealth. In fact, in past centuries this region of Central America was the former British colony of British Honduras. The country is located in Central America and borders Mexico to the ...

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The climate of Barbados: when to go to Barbados

The climate of Barbados, is a pleasant climate with temperatures that remain in each month of between 31°C and 21°C, temperatures are also refreshed by the breath of constant north-east trade winds, which moderate the tropical temperature. On the island ...

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Barbados: the most English island in the Caribbean

The island of Barbados (431 sq km) is a constitutional monarchy associated with the British Commonwealth. The state is made up of a single island located east of Saint Vincent, in the archipelago of the Windward Islands in the Lesser ...

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The climate of the Bahamas: when to go to the Bahamas

The Islands of the Bahamas, have a tropical climate tempered by trade winds from the northeast, temperatures undergo only minor changes during the year, the average minimum temperatures ranging between 18 ° C and 24 ° C, while the average maximum ...

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Bahamas: islands of beaches, sun and sea

The Bahamas Islands (The Commonwealth of the Bahamas) are a constitutional monarchy associated with the British Commonwealth. The archipelago is located in the Atlantic Ocean, east of Florida, north of Cuba, and west of the Turks and Caicos Islands. AN ...

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The climate of Aruba: when to go to Aruba

Aruba is an island characterized by a dry tropical climate with an average annual temperature of 27 ° C, and with little variation throughout the year, temperatures are also mitigated by the constant blowing of  trade winds. January and February are ...

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Aruba: beautiful beaches in the Netherlands Caribbean

Aruba is an island in the Caribbean Sea, located just north of the Venezuelan peninsula of Paraguaná. This is the westernmost island of the Lesser Antilles. The island, which in the past was part of the Netherlands Antilles, is now ...

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The climate of Antigua and Barbuda: when to go to Antigua

Antigua and Barbuda have a pleasant climate all year round, with average maximum temperatures in August of 31 ° C and average minimum temperatures of 26 ° C , while in January the average maximum temperature is 28 ° C ...

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Antigua and Barbuda: beaches, yachts and sailboats

Antigua and Barbuda is a constitutional monarchy associated with the British Commonwealth. The state is made up of three islands located between Guadeloupe, Montserrat and Saint Kitts, in the northern group of the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles. The ...

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Beaches of Anguilla: the paradise of the Caribbean

Shoal Bay East, Anguilla. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini..

The main tourist attractions of Anguilla are its deserted beaches of fine white sand, on which contrast beautifully the turquoise waters of the Caribbean sea. The island has a total of 33 beaches, of which about ten are truly superb, ...

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The climate of Anguilla: when to go to Anguilla

Upper Shoal Bay East, Anguilla. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

The island of Anguilla has a humid tropical climate, although rather dry by Caribbean standards. The temperatures, which undergo only slight variations throughout the year, are moderated by the constant blowing of the north-east trade winds. The island has average ...

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Anguilla: the most beautiful beaches of the Caribbean

Meads Bay, Anguilla. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini.

The island of Anguilla is a dependency of the United Kingdom located in the Caribbean, in the Lesser Antilles, north of the island of Saint Martin. The state of Anguilla is formed from the main island of Anguilla (91 sq ...

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The climate of Mexico: when to go to Mexico

Mexico has a climate that varies considerably according to the altitude of the various areas of the country, the Mexican climate is in fact divided into four climatic areas, according to its height: Le tierras calientes, le tierras templadas, le ...

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Mexican Cuisine: a cuisine full of flavors

Mexican cuisine is characterized by a great variety of spices, foods with strong and intense flavors, and the color of his dishes, this set is the combination of the pre-Columbian cuisine (Aztecs and Maya) and the Spanish and European cuisine ...

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Mexico: ancient civilizations and Latin culture

Mexico (Estados Unidos Mexicanos) is a presidential federal republic consisting of 31 states and 1 federal district. The capital of the country is the famous Mexico City. The country is bathed in the west by the Pacific Ocean and in ...

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