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Usually, we are not lovers of large boats. In fact, we prefer to organize holidays using other means of transport such as airplanes or cars. We do not like group trips organized with many people, where schedules and times must be strictly respected. But we prefer to prepare our trip at the table, taking into account the needs of all family members and when there are children, these become priorities. This time, however, we wanted to plan a cruise with the kids.
What to say, we had to change our mind! The cruise abroad with our children, Andrea 8 years and Mattia 6 was a real success! In our case, choosing the ship was a must as the only way to enjoy the beauty of the continent that we had long dreamed of seeing: Antarctica. Traveling with children: on a cruise to Antarctica.
Do not hesitate to embark with your children, leave thoughts and worries at home and leave. Also remember that on a cruise you are not alone (there is also a doctor on board, dear anxious mothers!) And that you can enjoy all the amenities to fully enjoy your holiday. Be aware of the beautiful gift you give them, of the possibility of seeing places from a different perspective, from the sea or the ocean. Involve them in all activities, in photography or by making videos for example. Stimulating them to capture unforgettable images and moments, like a whale dive or a dolphin jump. They will become small YouTubers.
Make the children actively participate in what you want to visit. Before leaving, make them curious about what they will see once they have set sail with the ship. Maybe it will be useful to see some nice documentaries. In order for the cruise to become an unforgettable journey, always make your children participate. Especially during the excursions, transmit to them the love of nature, point out to them the different populations, the different ways of living, the customs of the countries you visit. Make it possible to read in their eyes the amazement at seeing things never seen before, to deal more easily with different cultures far from them.
If you have children under 5 years old, I recommend you plan your cruise by choosing places not far from the country you live in. In this case it is advisable to visit places characterized by a mild climate. The cruise in this case is good that it is not too long, a duration of one week is perfect. Taking not too demanding excursions and not forgetting to bring the stroller with you, useful if the kids were unable and unwilling to walk !! If your family is made up of several small children (whims are always lurking). I recommend that your grandparents also participate in your trip, they will certainly be happy to accompany their grandchildren on vacation and you will be even more happy !!!
If, on the other hand, your children are between 6 and 10 years old, you can afford to organize a more demanding cruise. Abroad, also visiting distant countries. In this case there will be long flights to take, this will involve a little tiredness, but it will certainly be a sacrifice necessary to make certain experiences !! Traveling by plane with children.
Once you have decided on the cruise to do and the places to visit. A choice that must be made also taking into account the needs and interests of the young participants. You just have to stimulate their enthusiasm, making them participate in the organization of the trip.
Explain to them that the cruise is a different way of traveling than usual. They will be able to enjoy the beauty of places and cities, seen from another point of view, that is, from the sea or the ocean. They will then have the opportunity to see the animals that populate the sea such as whales or dolphins. Show them, through a geographical map or through Google Map, the route that the ship will travel. Talk to them about the excursions you intend to do once you have landed in the various ports. Tickle their curiosity by sharing with your children the choice of museums to visit. In addition, a means of increasing their enthusiasm may be to watch documentaries on TV, DVDs, YouTube videos regarding the places you are going to see with them: the children will have to leave with enthusiasm and aware of the type of holiday they will undertake, otherwise you can risk ruining the vacation you’ve been waiting for for a long time !!
Cruising with children: life on board the ship.
The cruise with children: excursions.