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Organize a trip is one of the most beautiful things to do…. the trip itself is beautiful, but the preparation of the trip is also a very interesting and pleasant thing. When I prepare a trip, I fantasize about the itinerary to do, about things to see, it almost seems like traveling … Here I will try to explain how to organize a trip with the help of the amount of information that comes to us from the internet.
I usually start by taking information about the destinations I’d like to visit. One of the most important and often decisive things – besides obviously the reasons for the trip and what to visit – is the climate of the place I intend to visit. Visiting a fantastic place but with a bad climate is not very pleasant. So I prefer to find the destination with the right climate or at least avoid visiting the country in the middle of the rainy season.
Another thing to see before deciding on a trip – especially these days – is the website of the ministry of the interior of your country where you can usually see country by country – in addition to the required documents – the updated situation of safety and health. In addition, on the same site there is an interesting section dedicated to traveling health.
Once I have identified the nation (or nations) that I intend to visit, I start to inquire about the main attractions to see. I sign the most interesting places to see and slowly I draw up a rough itinerary. The itinerary then serves me to calculate the number of nights to devote to each location visited.
One of the decisive factors in organize a trip is often the cost of the flights, which greatly affect the overall total spent on a trip. The preparation of a trip begins with an accurate search for the flights that connect our country to the destination we want to visit. To do this, I usually go to the website of the airport of arrival to see which airlines fly through it. If the airport website does not include this information, a valid alternative is the page dedicated to the airport in question present in the English version of Wikipedia (usually the best and most updated).
Then I identify which airlines have flights from your country or continent to the requested destination. At this point it is necessary to go to the pages of the airlines. Here, by entering the departure and arrival dates, I do a search for prices and flight times, scrupulously checking the times, stop times and connections. There are also flight price comparison sites that can allow a first skim of interesting flights, but I usually prefer direct airline sites for flights.
The same thing I repeat on all airlines that have connections between the country of the trip and Europe. Once you have highlighted which is the best offer for price and timetables, you can proceed to booking flights.

In the meantime, I also do a search of which hotel or hotels could be where to stay during my trip. Generally I use the reviews on Tripadvisor to choose which hotel to stay at. Usually it is also advisable to book in advance the structure (or structures) where to stay.
Furthermore, I often use the Booking site because on this site the structures allow cancellation up to a few days before departure without any charge or penalty. This opportunity is very useful because it allows you to book the hotel and then subsequently the flight. Once the flight is booked, it is paid and if the hotel where we want to stay does not have free rooms, problems arise.
Sometimes I prefer to book the hotel first – with the possibility of canceling or changing the booking without charge, in case I can’t find the flight I like – and then the flight so as not to have any surprises. This is especially the case for a beach holiday where the hotel and its location is one of the most important features of the trip. While in the case of a traveling trip where the hotel is only a stop on the way, my preference and priority goes to the air ticket.
Once you have completed the flight and hotel reservations on your travel itinerary, all you have to do is book the rental car. Generally it is advisable to book it in advance in order to have it ready when we arrive at the airport.
Last thing, but always very important in organize a trip, is booking a good medical and travel insurance. If you are a European citizen and you travel in Europe, the European Health Insurance Card (also called Electronic Health Card) is enough to receive treatment like any citizen of the country you visit. This card, which every European citizen have, guarantees healthcare in the European Union and in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, according to the regulations of the individual countries.
If, on the other hand, you are not a European citizen or you are visiting countries outside the European Union, it is essential and obligatory to have a good health insurance that covers all the medical costs incurred and in case of serious illness also the transfer to your home country. Health insurance becomes very important if you visit the United States of America, due to the very high costs of health care in this country.