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Slovakia: historic towns, plains and the Tatra Mountains

Slovakia (Slovenská republika) was established on 1 January 1993, when Czechoslovakia peacefully split into the Czech and Slovak republics. The new state is a parliamentary republic. Slovakia is administratively divided into eight autonomous regions (Bratislava / Pressburg, Nitra / Neutra, ...

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The climate of Serbia: when to go to Serbia

Because of its location in the center of the Balkan Peninsula, Serbia is characterized by a climate that reflects the influences of both continental Europe that the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The north of the country has continental ...

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The attractions of Serbia: what to see in Serbia

Serbia, located in a very favorable position in the center of the main waterways of the Balkans, has always been strategically important and has seen numerous dominations and cultures pass through its territory. This position has favored the cultural and ...

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Serbia: vast plains and rugged mountains

Serbia (Republika Srbija) is a republic in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula, which emerged from the break up of Yugoslavia. The Serbian State is also formed by the administrative unit of Vojvodina. The Kosovo-Albanian majority region declarted its ...

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San Marino: an ancient independent republic

The Republic of San Marino (Serenissima Republic of San Marino) is an independent state, made up of 9 municipalities (castles), located on the Italian peninsula, between Emilia Romagna and the Marches. The Serenissima Repubblica is not part of the European ...

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Russia: the largest country in the world

Russia (Rossiyskaya Federacija/Russian Federation) is the largest country of the world. Even after the collapse of the former Soviet Union and the creation of 15 independent nations Russia possesses by far the largest territory of all successor states of the ...

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The climate of Romania: when to go to Romania

Romania, due to its position in the south-eastern part of the European continent, has a temperate continental transition climate, with four distinct seasons, where temperatures vary clearly on a seasonal basis, but these variations are mitigated by getting closer to ...

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The attractions of Romania: what to see in Romania

Romania is a country that has many attractions for tourists interested in the art, history and cultural traditions of the peoples that make up the country. Nature also plays an important role for the tourist who is not in a ...

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Romania: mountains, Roman ruins and beaches

Romania (România) is a country of South-East Europe that has the particularity of possessing a Romance language based on Latin. It is surrounded by Slavic-speaking countries. Thus Romania is the only country of South-Eastern Europe, which has retained a language ...

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The climate of Portugal: when to go to Portugal

The Portuguese climate is a relatively rainy Mediterranean type due to the presence of the Atlantic ocean. The rains are more frequent in autumn and winter. The climate of Portugal varies significantly from one region to another, influenced by altitude, ...

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The attractions of Portugal: what to see in Portugal

Portugal is a nation rich in historical attractions. The country had its golden age at the time of geographical discoveries when Portugal controlled the spice trade from Asia and extended its commercial and military control to Brazil, to the African ...

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Portugal: old colonial empire facing the ocean

Portugal (República Portuguesa) is located in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. In addition mainland Portugal there are the two Portuguese archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. The capital is Lisbon, while the other major ...

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The climate of Poland: when to go to Poland

Poland has a moderate continental climate, with a short fairly hot summer and a harsh winter (from mid-October to mid-April) with minimum peaks around -20 ° C, with snowy precipitations and long periods of frost. The climate is uniform throughout ...

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The attractions of Poland: what to see in Poland

Poland is a country with historical attractions and an important history which is clearly reflected in its historical cities (Krakow, Paczków, Zamość, Wrocław (Wrocław), Toruń), in their palaces, castles and churches. But it is also a country with interesting natural ...

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Poland: vast plains, historic cities and lakes

Poland (Polska Rzeczpospolita) is a parliamentary republic, located in eastern Central Europe, bordered to the northeast by Lithuania and the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, to the east by Belarus and Ukraine. To the south-west the Sudeten Mountains separate it from the ...

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