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Barcelona: the economic engine of Spain

Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is the economic engine of Spain. The city rises along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. With a population of almost 2 million inhabitants, it is, after the capital Madrid, the most populous city in ...

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Catalonia: Barcelona, the Costa Brava, the Pyrenees

Catalonia is a region of Spain located in the northeastern end of the Iberian Peninsula. This region to the north is bordered by France and Andorra, while to the east and south it overlooks the Mediterranean Sea with about 580 ...

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The climate of Segovia: when to go to Segovia

Segovia has a purely continental climate with harsh and cold winters, the summers instead are rather short, hot and rather dry. This type of climate is due to the altitude in which the city is located (about 1,000 meters above ...

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Segovia: a spectacular Roman aqueduct and much more

Segovia is a town of 55,000 inhabitants located 1,000 m. above sea level. The city is located at the northwestern base of the Sierra de Guadarrama, located between the Eresma and Clamores rivers. The city was important since Roman times, ...

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The climate of Burgos: when to go to Burgos

Burgos is over 850 meters high in the northern Meseta, the city has a temperate continental oceanic climate. Winters are cold and windy with minimum temperatures that drop even below freezing. Summer is a hot season, but rarely excessively hot ...

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Burgos: a majestic Gothic cathedral

Burgos is a splendid historic city of 170,000 inhabitants. It is located in northwestern Spain, in the Castile and Leon region. The history of Burgos begins in the year 884, when Diego Porcelos, second Count of Castile, repopulated the area ...

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The climate of Avila: when to go to Avila

Avila is located in the central-northern part of the Spanish Meseta at over 1,100 meters above sea level. Due to its height, Avila has a purely continental climate with harsh winters and frequent snowfalls during the winter, while summers are ...

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Avila: the most beautiful medieval walls in Spain

Avila (50,000 inhabitants), one of the jewels of medieval Spain, is located at 1,128 m. above sea level, in the region of Castile and Leon, in a rocky area on the buttresses of the Sierra de Guadarrama and Sierra de ...

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Castile-León: the land of cathedrals and Cid Campeador

Castile-León (Castilla y León) is, by extension, the largest Spanish region. It is located in the north-western area of Spain, has no access to the sea and is bordered to the west by Portugal and the Spanish region of Galicia. ...

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The climate of Toledo: when to go to Toledo

Toledo, Spain. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Toledo has a mixed climate between the Mediterranean and continental climate with relatively cold winters and very hot and dry summers. The daily temperature differences are quite high. Summer temperatures can sometimes exceed 40 ° C and in winter they ...

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Toledo: the historical capital of Spain

Puente de Alcántara, Toledo, Spain. Author Marco Ramerini

Toledo is a town of 78,000 inhabitants which is located at 454 m. above sea level, about 70 km south of Madrid. The city is crossed by the Tajo (Tagus) river that surrounds it for two thirds, while the historic ...

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Castile-La Mancha: the land of Don Quixote

Castile-La Mancha (Castilla-La Mancha) is a region of central Spain born from the division of the old historical region of Castilla la Nueva into two new entities: the Comunidad de Madrid and Castile-La Mancha. The region that has Toledo as ...

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The climate of Zaragoza: when to go to Zaragoza

The city of Zaragoza has an arid continental Mediterranean climate with cool, dry winters and rather hot and dry summers. Sometimes in winter and early spring a strong cold and dry wind blows from the north-west, similar to the Mistral ...

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Zaragoza: the Mudejar style of Aragon

Zaragoza has about 650,000 inhabitants and is one of the most important cities in Spain. The capital of Aragon, Zaragoza is located halfway between Madrid and Barcelona from which it is about 300 km away. The city is located 200 ...

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Aragon: natural mountain landscapes and medieval art

Aragon is an ancient independent kingdom of the Iberian peninsula, which in 1479, by marriage, was united to the crown of Castile. The region, one of the least densely populated in Spain, is bordered by France to the north, while ...

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