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The climate of Berlin: when to go to Berlin

The city of Berlin is characterized by an oceanic climate which tends, in part, to become a continental climate, with cold and relatively rainy winters, while the summers are mild and rainy. Berlin has three months of frost per year, ...

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The climate of Germany: when to go to Germany

Germany is a country mostly flat, due to the scarcity of mountains, the German climate is subject to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, this means that the main climatic characteristics are temperatures with low seasonal differences and rainfall in ...

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The attractions of Germany: what to see in Germany

Germany is often seen in the collective imagination as an industrialized and modern land, whose ancient cities were destroyed by the events of the Second World War, and where little is left of history and the arts of the past. ...

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Germany: from Bavaria to the Baltic Sea

Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) is a federal republic made up of 16 confederate states (Länder), 3 of which are metropolitan in character (Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen). Reunited on October 3, 1990, after the division into two states after the Second World War. ...

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