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The climate of Bosnia Herzegovina: when to go to Bosnia

The climate of Bosnia-Herzegovina is continental with Mediterranean influences in the areas closest to the coast, it is characterized by warm summers and cold, snowy winters, temperatures have high annual excursions and rainfall is abundant, well distributed in each month ...

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Bosnia and Herzegovina: natural beauty, culture and religion

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina) is a state, which emerged from the dissolution of Yugoslavia. It consists of three regions: The Republika Srpska (Serbian Republic), the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the District of Brčko. The national capital ...

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Dinant: the city of the inventor of the saxophone

Dinant is a small Belgian town of about fifteen thousand inhabitants located in Wallonia in the province of Namur. The city is located 15 km from the French border and 30 km south of Namur, on the right bank of ...

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Tournai: one of the most beautiful towns of Belgium

Tournai is a Belgian city in Wallonia with about seventy thousand inhabitants. The city is located in the province of Hinault, 10 km from the French border, on the two banks of the Scheldt river. The origins of Tournai are ...

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The climate of Bruges: when to go to Bruges

The climate of Bruges is continental Atlantic with frequent and widespread rainfall, with rather harsh winters due to the cold winds of the Baltic, the summers are cool and rainfall is distributed evenly throughout the year, the average annual precipitation ...

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Bruges (Brugge): the jewel city of Flanders

Bruges (Brugge) is the capital of West Flanders in Belgium. This city with a little over one hundred thousand inhabitants is located 13 km from the North Sea. The city is connected by some artificial canals with its port, Zeebrugge. ...

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The climate of Brussels: when to go to Brussels

The climate of Brussels is like that of most of Belgium, a kind of climate temperate-oceanic. The climate is  influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, but also from the influence of the continental climate coming from inside the European continent. Rainfall ...

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Brussels: a modern city with a beautiful historical center

In addition to being the capital of Belgium, the city of Brussels (Bruxelles/Brussel) is also the seat of numerous institutions of the European Union. In fact, the European Commission, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, and one ...

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How to get to Belgium. Flights to Belgium

AIRPORTS AND FLIGHTS TO BELGIUM The most important airport in Belgium is that of the capital Brussels. The Brussels International Airport is located 13 km north-east of the city center. All intercontinental flights that land in Belgium arrive at Brussels ...

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Belgium power plugs and sockets, telephones

BELGIUM DOCUMENTS Travel Documents: For Europeans citizens of all ages a valid travel document for entry into Belgium include: Identity Card valid for foreign travel or a Passport. Even children and young people must have their own document. US and Canadian ...

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The climate of Belgium: when to go to Belgium

The climate of Belgium is temperate maritime which means that it is largely influenced by air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean. The Belgian climate is markedly variable, with frequent and rapid movements of air masses. Along the coast has ...

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Tourist attractions of Belgium: what to see in Belgium

Belgium has its strong point of its tourist attractions in the beauty of some historical cities such as Bruges (Brugge), Antwerp and Gent. Centers that in the Middle Ages were among the most important merchant cities of the continent and ...

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Belgium: The historic cities of Flanders and Wallonia

Belgium (Royaume de Belgique, Koninkrijk België, Königreich Belgien) is a hereditary monarchy formed by a federal state. The country is divided into 3 regions (Brussels-capital, Flanders, Wallonia) and 10 provinces. The country is linguistically divided into three communities: French (39% ...

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Belarus: vast forests and marshy plains

Belarus or White Russia is a presidential republic born after the dissolution of the USSR. The country borders Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, Latvia and Lithuania to the north-west, Russia to the north and east. Administratively Belarus ...

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Bad Gastein: spa center in southern Austria

Bad Gastein is an important holiday resort in south-central Austria, in the province of Salzburg, 80 km south of the capital. Located at 1,083 meters above sea level in the Gasteiner Tal, a narrow gorge in the Hohe Tauern crossed ...

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