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As for the climate of Antalya, summers are muggy and dry, while the other months are hot and sometimes rainy. On average it does not rain for 310 days in a year, the rainiest months are those between December and February. On average more than 1,000 mm of rain fall in a year, the rainy days are only 78 per year, while the hours of sunshine exceed 3.240 per year.
According to statistics, December and January are the months in which there are the most rainy days, on average in these months there are more than 12 rainy days per month. The months with the least rainy days are those of July and August which record, on average, one rainy day per month.
The maximum average temperatures vary between 14.9 ° C in January and 34.2 ° C in July and August, the minimum averages instead vary between 5.9 ° in January and 22.7 ° in July and August. The sea water temperature exceeds 24 ° C between June and October, and in August reaches 28 ° C.
The best time for a visit to Antalya are the months between April and June and between September and October, which are characterized by not too high temperatures and clear skies. July and August are very hot, but fortunately during the summer months the sea breeze helps relieve the heat.
Antalya: one of the most popular destinations in Turkey
The official website of the Weather of Turkey.
ANTALYA (30 meters) | ||||
Month | Average low (°C) | Average high (°C) | Precip. (mm) | Precip. days |
January | 5,9 | 14,9 | 234,2 | 12,3 |
February | 6,2 | 15,5 | 160,7 | 10,8 |
March | 8,0 | 18,0 | 96,8 | 9,0 |
April | 11,2 | 21,3 | 46,2 | 7,2 |
May | 15,0 | 25,5 | 30,0 | 5,6 |
June | 19,6 | 30,9 | 9,6 | 2,9 |
July | 22,7 | 34,2 | 2,2 | 1,4 |
August | 22,7 | 34,2 | 2,5 | 1,4 |
September | 19,3 | 31,2 | 12,3 | 2,3 |
October | 15,2 | 26,6 | 67,7 | 5,8 |
November | 10,6 | 21,1 | 131,9 | 7,5 |
December | 7,5 | 16,6 | 263,3 | 12,0 |
YEAR | 13,7 | 24,2 | 1057,4 | 78,2 |
Month | Sea Water Temperature °C |
January | 17 |
February | 16 |
March | 16 |
April | 18 |
May | 20 |
June | 24 |
July | 26 |
August | 28 |
September | 26 |
October | 24 |
November | 20 |
December | 18 |