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The climate of the Canary Islands: when to go to the Canary

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The Canary Islands have a sub-tropical, mild and pleasant dry climate throughout the year, without sudden changes in temperature between day and night. The maximum average temperatures vary between 20 ° C and 30 ° C while the minimum average temperatures vary between 15 ° C and 21 ° C.

As for the rains, the eastern islands are semi-arid, while the western ones receive more rain. The climate of the islands of the archipelago can vary between a mild and humid climate and a hot and dry climate, these types of climate vary according to the exposure of each island compared to the north-east trade winds.

The Canarian winters are mild in all the islands of the archipelago, and appear very similar to the European springs, with average minimum temperatures around 15 ° C and maximum average around 20 ° C. In the winter months in the islands of El Hierro and La Palma it can be a little colder than the other islands, as well as along the northern coasts of Tenerife and Gran Canaria. During winter, snow falls on the top of the Teide volcano.

In all the Canary Islands, however, the summer is sunny. The rains are rather low, the annual averages vary between 100 and 550 mm, the rainiest months are the winter months between December and February.


For many the climate of the Canary Islands is considered one of the best climates in the world. The mild and constant temperatures throughout the year, the low rainfall, the high number of sunny days make this Spanish archipelago a very popular destination both for tourists and for those who choose to spend part of their lives here. For these reasons, any time of year is suitable for a visit to the islands.

Climate of Lanzarote.

The climate of Tenerife.


Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 15,4 21,0 31,5  4,2
February 15,3 21,2 35,4  3,8
March 15,9 22,1 37,8  3,8
April 16,5 22,7 11,6  2,4
May 17,8 24,1 3,6  0,9
June 19,5 26,2 0,9  0,2
July 21,2 28,7 0,1  0,0
August 21,9 29,0 2,0  0,3
September 21,7 28,1 6,8  0,9
October 20,3 26,3 18,7  3,1
November 18,4 24,1 34,1  4,7
December 16,6 22,1 43,2  5,4
YEAR 18,4 24,6 225,7  29,7
Month Sea Water Temperature °C
January 19
February 18
March 18
April 18
May 19
June 20
July 21
August 22
September 23
October 23
November 21
December 20

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