Home / Europe / France / The climate of French Riviera: when to go to the Côte d’Azur

The climate of French Riviera: when to go to the Côte d’Azur

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The French Riviera or Côte d’Azur is part of France‘s Mediterranean coastal region that stretches from the border with Italy to the city of Toulon. The French Riviera or Côte d’Azur is known worldwide for its mild climate, typically Mediterranean, with warm, sunny summers and mild winters, thanks to its location along the Mediterranean Sea and the protection from the cold north winds which gives the barrier of mountains that lie behind it.

The maximum summer temperatures rarely exceed 30 ° C, while winter temperatures are maintained between 10 ° C and 15 ° C. Rainfall occurs mainly between October and April, with October and November the wettest months. The average annual rainfall in Nice is 730 mm in a year, the rainy days are only 61.

Summer is generally very dry, but temperatures are usually pleasant due to the influence of the sea. Areas further away from the coast have a slightly less mild climate, but still sunny. Snow is very rare along the coast, while in the Alps snow is present from November to May.

The temperature of the seawater in the Côte d’Azur exceed 19 ° C from June to October. In August, the sea water reaches temperatures of 24 ° C.


Any time of the year is good to visit the French Riviera or Côte d’Azur. The best period covers the months between April and September, during these months the climate is characterized by long sunny days and pleasant temperatures.


NICE (15 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 5,3 13,1 69,0  6
February 5,9 13,4 44,7  5
March 7,9 15,2 38,7  5
April 10,2 17,0 69,3  7
May 14,1 20,7 44,6  5
June 17,5 24,3 34,3  4
July 20,3 27,3 12,1  2
August 20,5 27,7 17,8  2
September 17,3 24,6 73,1  5
October 13,7 21,0 132,8  7
November 9,2 16,6 103,9  7
December 6,3 13,8 92,7  6
YEAR 12,3 19,6 733,0  61
Month Sea Water Temperature °C
January 13
February 13
March 13
April 14
May 17
June 19
July 22
August 24
September 21
October 19
November 16
December 14

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